New community standard for the annotation of biosynthetic gene clusters

Montag, 21. September 2015

New article in Nature Chemical Biology

MIBiG submission system

Recently a new community standard for the annotation of biosynthetic gene clusters (MIBiG) was introduced in an article published in Nature Chemical Biology. With the introduction of MIBiG the authors, including members of the Süssmuth group (Research Fields D4 and E4) intent to facilitate the standardized deposition and retrieval of biosynthetic gene cluster data as well as the development of comparative analysis tools. The standardized annotation will improve the research on the biosynthesis, chemistry and ecology of broad classes of societally relevant bioactive secondary metabolites.


MIBig can be accessed under:

The article can be found at:
Nature Chemical Biology 2015, 11, 625–631
| doi: 10.1038/nchembio.1890