UniCat's Scientifc Advisory Board is established

Friday, 06 March 2009

Two day meeting at TU Berlin

The members of UniCat's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) were officially appointed by the Vice President of the Technische Universität Berlin on Thursday, 5th March 2009. Prof. Johann Köppel delivered the certificates in person.

UniCat invited more than 250 members and guests of UniCat to come to TU Berlin. Prof. Driess, the coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence, opened the meeting.

Nine scientists gave an overwiew of the Cluster and the research progress made during the last year. After the oral presentations some 70 posters were shown by young UniCat researchers. On Friday the SAB visited the BIG-NSE.

Prof. Sir John M. Thomas                      Prof. Johann Köppel   

250 members and guests of UniCat


Prof. Driess and Prof. Köppel give out the certificates


8 of the 13 members of the SAB (from left to right):
Prof. Karl Wiegardt (, Prof. Gabor A. Somorjai, Prof. Ann Walker,
Prof. Alexis T. Bell, Prof. Hansjörg Grützmacher, Prof. Gerhart Eigenberger,
Prof. Sir John M. Thomas, Prof. Paul I. Barton 


The SAB visit to the BIG-NSE