University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona

2nd ICIQ UniCat Summer School in Berlin, 2015

In August 2010, Prof. Matthias Driess signed a trilateral memorandum of understanding between the University Rovira i Virgili in Catalona and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (Institut Català d’Investigació Química; ICIQ) also located in Tarragona. The cooperation fosters the exchange and mobility in research and teaching in the field of catalysis.

There is a collaboration between Postgraduate Schools, collaboration in international master’s and PhD programmes, development of mutually beneficial academic programmes and courses, coordination of academic staff and student mobility and coordination of academic activities such as joint research, publication and symposia.

The ICIQ has a long tradition in hosting summer schools. For the second time, ICIQ and UniCat have organized a summer school on catalysis jointly. A prestigious group of speakers that has covered an exceptionally broad range of topics at the frontier of molecular catalysis in 2015 in Berlin.

In December 2009, representatives of both research institutions came to TU Berlin, invited by Foreign Relations Office of TUB.

The ICIQ was founded by the Catalan Government. It is similar to a German Leibniz-Institute and specialised on catalysis of chemical processes, supramolecular chemistry and renewable energies.