Generating electricity from toothpaste and fruit tea. Can it be done?

Self-made dye solar cell © TU Berlin / Mathias Wiechen


With our guidance you can build and test your own dye solar cells.

The production of these is simple and can be carried out in under ten minutes. The list of ingredients is manageable: a dye that absorbs sunlight, titanium oxide (from toothpaste, for example), and a saline solution.

In dye-sensitized solar cells, colored materials like tea absorb some visible light and transfer the energy to good electron transporting materials, like white TiO2, that cannot absorb on their own.

House of Chemistry (Haus der Chemie), foyer backwards on the left hand

17:00 – midnight

20 min 

For children 10 and older

Type of event:
Demonstration, experiment

Wheelchair accessible